Towards a Fruitful Life - Second Session
Topic outline
NOTE: To access the Week 1 videos on 14-July-2022, 2 activities must be done and completed. Fill out both Identification Information and the Pre-course Questionnaire located in the introduction section. After that, the first video of the Week 1 video will be accessible. The remaining requirement is marking every video as "Done" to access the next one. This too is required for accessing the materials under the video.
The golden rule Page
Investing energy in Active Hope Page
Strengthening resilience to achieve change - Three stories for inspiration and encouragement Page
Learning consolidation quiz 1
NOTE: To access the Week 2 videos on 21-July-2022, 2 activities must be done and completed. First, fill out the Pre-course Questionnaire located in the introduction section. Second, get a passing grade of 5 out of 7 in the Week 1 quiz named Learning consolidation quiz 1. After that, the first video of the week 2 video will be accessible with a remaining requirement of marking every video as "Done" to access the next one. This too is required for accessing the materials under the video.
Mirror, mirror, tell me who I am? Women with disabilities and self-image forming Page
Self-esteem and pillars of healthy relationship to self Page
Wearing your relationship to yourself Page
Flourishing inside-out: Gratitude to develop and promote a positive body image Page
From victim to pilot: Looking from the window of your dreams Page
Learning consolidation quiz 2
NOTE: To access the Week 3 videos, 1 activity must be done and completed which is getting a passing grade of 7 out of 10 in the Week 2 quiz named Learning consolidation quiz 2. After that, the first video of the week 3 video will be accessible. The remaining requirement is marking every video as "Done" to access the next one. This too is required for accessing the materials under the video.
The power triangle and growing positive influence Page
Embracing a growth mindset to achieve my dream Page
A four steps strategy for success Page
Self-leadership and Strength activation to achieve professional goals Page
Learning consolidation quiz 3
NOTE: To access the Week 4 videos, 1 activity must be done and completed which is getting a passing grade of 7 out of 10 in the Week 3 quiz named Learning consolidation quiz 3. After that, the first video of the week 4 video will be accessible. The remaining requirement is marking every video as "Done" to access the next one. This too is required for accessing the materials under the video.
Love alone isn't enough PageMyths around relationships and pillars of a happy relationship
The nature of the romantic relationship and how to nurture it Page
Importance of the sexual relationship between partners Page
Learning consolidation quiz 4
NOTE 1: To access the Week 5 videos, 1 activity must be done and completed which is getting a passing grade of 7 out of 10 in the Week 4 quiz named Learning consolidation quiz 4. After that, the first video of the week 5 video will be accessible. The remaining requirement is marking every video as "Done" to access the next one. This too is required for accessing the materials under the video.
NOTE 2: To get the certificate of this course, it is required to get a passing grade in the Learning Consolidation Quiz 5 and fill out the Post-Course Questionnaire.
Networking- How to initiate and grow meaningful relationships Page
Women with disabilities change the face of the world! PageSelf-advocacy and advocacy for social change
Storyboarding your Advocacy Action Plan Page
Learning consolidation quiz 5
Post-course Questionnaire Quiz